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The Assembly Procedure and Rules Committee comprise the Speaker as Chairperson, the Chairperson of Committees and not more than three other Members. It considers and reports on all matters relating to the Standing Orders. The Committee may propose amendments to the Standing Orders. Upon approval by the Assembly, and any such amendments take effect at the time appointed by the Assembly. It may also propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of Committee Business. Upon the approval of the Assembly, any such rules continue enforce until amended or repealed by the Assembly. These rules are annexed to the Standing Orders and are binding upon Committees to the Same extent as the Standing Orders.

According to the County Assembly Standing Orders, 188(3) to 188(6), the Committee shall-

  1. Consider and report on all matters relating to these Standing Orders.
  2. May propose amendments to these Standing Orders and any such amendments shall upon approval by the County Assembly, take effect at the time appointed by the County Assembly.
  3. May propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of Committee Business and any such rules, shall upon approval by the County Assembly, continue in force until amended or repealed by the County Assembly.


  1. Hon. Stephen Lenamarle                 - The Speaker
  2. Hon. Jackson Layan Lelenkeju      - V/chair
  3. Hon. Lemoosa Maura lekuram
  4. Hon. Osman Adan dube
  5. Hon. Leshimpiro Paul Husima
  6. Hon. Stacy Nareyo Lekirimpoto
  7. Hon. Esther Lenolkulal
  8. Hon. Leleruk James Koileken
  9. Hon. Lenamparasio Phelix Caunda

Surface Area

310, 327 Residents

Population Density
15persons per kmsq

Ksh 100 Billion